Want to see your art as the Adler Academy logo? Send us an image and win a partial scholarship to attend ICASSI 2017
What is New?  What is Coming?
From Marina Bluvshtein
  1. A very first (inaugural) meeting of the Adler Academy of Minnesota Board.  We actually had it scheduled in December, but Minnesota weather decided not to cooperate. Please talk to us if you see your active verbs rhyming with the Adler Academy!
  2. Also, a very first meeting of the Council of Elders (this is another CofE). Don't you like all these unique ways to spell things!?  This is a coordinated effort of the Adler Academy of Minnesota and Adlerian Networks!
  3. A first of the monthly drop-in WWAS (What Would Adler Say) consultation groups. Click on our Calendar of Events for details.
  4. We are launching a Certificate in Advanced Adlerian Psychotherapy. The first fully online course will start in February.  Read more and ask questions by visiting a Certificate page on our website. 
  5. Finally, save a date for another great Adler Academy Kaffee.  It is Friday, February 10th, at Artspace Jackson Flats. 901 18 1/2 Avenue, NE Gray Gallery, Minneapolis, MN 55418. Plan for food, fun, friends, art (of all sorts), announcement of the logo contest winner, and more! Guess what is the occasion for the celebration?
  6. We want to hear your news too.  Send us a note and we will get it on our calendar and/or in a newsletter.

Seeing Our Movement
by John Reardon

 ·      A Workshop Team to develop workshops is being formed.

·        Contacts with grads, leaders, and agencies are being made. We will continue to build "the network" through these contacts and Adlerian presentations. Just like ALFRED did.

·         A "Council of Elders" is forming, to capture our History, and their wisdom.

·        The AAM Board is being formed, and members will be gathering soon.

·        The development of Human and Organization Development, and Wellness Certificate Programs is just starting. That will bring our Certificate Programs to three.

·         Several of active AAM members will be presenting at the IAIP Congress in July, and presenting at NASAP conference in Vancouver in May.

·         Marina is teaching 2 courses at Adler-Chicago.

·         Life is rich, and full. All the above are ways we want to draw you into the "fray", and help you and AAM grow through extending Adlerian Psychology out into a world that can use more Normalcy and Social Interest. JMR

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Butler U (Indianapolis) a site of ICASSI 2017

ICASSI 2017 registration is opening soon, and you can already see all the exciting classes that will be offered there.

See the English language brochure here

These are a few excerpts from a note sent by Becky LaFountain, ICASSI Administrator

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all our Adlerian friends around the world. As you make your plans for 2017, please include attendance at ICASSI, which will be held from July 16-29 at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana USA. We would love to see you for either one week or both weeks!

I am also including a link to a webinar that tells about ICASSI. Please forward it to your colleagues and friends so that they can learn more about ICASSI:
Warm wishes in the upcoming holiday season and I hope to see you next year in North America! 

Becky LaFountain, Administrator

Read More about ICASSI
Random Pages

This is a new feature in our newsletter.  And is belongs to you.  Simply go to a bookshelf, grab a book, open it on any page, read the first paragraph that will catch your attention and think it through an Adlerian lens. Alternatively, do the same with a newspaper (in case anyone still reads printg papers).  OR grab (virtually) a sentence or two from a web.  Then, record a few minute video or an audio and send it to us.  We will include it in a newsletter.  The more voices and the more faces - the better. And, multiplicity of opinions is completely an Adlerian phenomenon too.

If you open Nonrandom Discusssions about Random Pages here, you will see and hear me risking imperfection. Who is next?

Marina Bluvshtein

The Adler Academy of Minnesota sponsored a workshop on "Movement and the Uncomfortable" on December 10th.


Two of our outstanding local Adlerians presented, involved, and inspired the participants. Joe Noble and Lori Thibodeau, have established a "Bridging Program" to help divorcing families, especially parents, work through hurt, anger, and the conflict of this most life altering experience. This program is fully based in, and utilizes Adler on a minute-to-minute, and activity-to-activity basis. As participants, we experienced their wisdom and expertise as we went through the class. The whole process was very engaging, enlightening, and confirming that the Adler training we share, is the way to help these families adapt and overcome struggle and severe difficulties. When asked if they would repeat this workshop, Joe and Lori said yes. We would love to sponsor this again. All the Adlerian input, the skills, and the exercises would sharpen the practice of anyone dealing with clients. Please let us know your interest. John R.


Lori Thibodeau and Joe Noble presented their Bridging Parental Conflict class, designed for family members stuck in situations that range from uncomfortable to painfully conflicted. They’ve identified patterns that people in these situations experience, and use conversation, role-plays, and audience discussion to demonstrate new solutions – bridge building – for parents, blended families, legal guardians, estranged parents, and more. Behind the scenes, the class is fully Adlerian. You can see how horizontal and vertical striving, the need to belong, feel secure and have a place, the rules of misbehavior and the courage to be imperfect all have roles in moving forward in a healthy way. It’s an engaging, thought-provoking presentation. Paulette H.

Adler Academy of Minnesota
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