
Grief Series 2023

The Adler Academy of Minnesota Presents

A Series of Zoom Workshops on Grief.

February 24, 2023 12 – 1 pm CST

The first workshop in the series will be presented by:

Dr. Tim Hartshorne, PhD –

Topic: Good Grief: Depathologizing human experience

We hope you can join us virtually on Feb 24th.

Questions: Email us at [email protected]

Link will be sent by email to registrants the day before event.

February 24, 2023

woman writing on a notebook beside teacup and tablet computer

3 CEU’s – MFT Ethics approved

Meet us live on Zoom as we take you through a condensed version of September’s conference and earn yourself 3.0 CE hours. Participants can use the same BMFT approval number.

The 5th Annual Minnesota Adlerian ConferenceHelping Clients Change: You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup. (From the Sept 24, 2021 Annual Conference).

This training addresses issues related to burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma that helping professionals face in their daily life, and especially during times of mass crises.

·      Participants will identify sources of and significant differences between burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma.

·      Participants will interpret typical scenarios in light of these differences, and will relate personality variables to how burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma are experienced and how these may be impacting their professional practice. 

·     Participants will design their own creative and communally useful wellness plan, based on Adlerian perspective of wellness.

In this training, participants will attend a mini lecture, a live demonstration, portions of panel discussion with local experts, and small groups experiential exercises.

Speaker – Marina Bluvshtein, PhD LP; MA LMFT

You will also review portions of the panel presentation with moderator Gary Schoener, LP and local presenters.

3 CE hours of ethics approved by the MN Board of MFT. You can use that for your next reporting cycle or to meet your CE extension plans for 2020-2021 cycle.

Approved by the Board of Psychology, MN Board of MFT, and the MN Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy for CEU’s.

Have questions? Email us at [email protected] 

Adler Academy Trauma Series

Are you a clinician, a professor, or a psychology/counseling student curious about Adlerian work with different types of trauma? Join me and my Adler Academy colleagues in the monthly Trauma Series. Bring your colleagues too to these 90 minute monthly meetings, with a mini-lecture, an experiential work, and a live discussion.

All meetings will start at 12:00 Noon Central time US. language – English. Fee – free for all. Click the link to register for each topic. NO CEU’s are being offered for these trainings.

Presented and facilitated by Marina Bluvshtein and Adler Academy members

Please see the schedule, topics, and login information below; AND share:

Adler Academy of MN

2020 – 2021 Trauma Clinical Series

When? – Fridays Noon Central Day Time US (Chicago time) – once a month; 90 minutes.

Where? – Zoom

Who is Invited? – all interested 

Who will present? Marina Bluvshtein and Adler Academy clinicians.

October 9, 2020 – Adler and Trauma (some History, some foundational Adlerian knowledge related to a topic)

November 13, 2020 – Trauma and Early Recollections

December 11, 2020 – Trauma and Metaphors work 

January 15, 2021 – Trauma and Family Constellation work 

February 12, 2021 – Trauma and Dreams work 

March 12, 2021 – Vicarious trauma: an Adlerian approach

April 16, 2021 – Mass trauma: an Adlerian approach

Questions? E-mail [email protected] or [email protected] 

CEU’s will not be available for these FREE trainings due to the cost and time required to apply for CEU’s.

Adler Academy of MN is an independent organization, is an affiliate member of NASAP, and is not affiliated with the Adler Graduate School.

An Adlerian Model of Supervision, using Family Constellation and Early Recollections

Friday, October 25 2019, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM [CST]


Based on model of supervision and consultation developed by Kopp, Shifron, and other systems Adlerians, this training will help supervisors to avoid impasses in supervision when supervisors’ own early childhood history, family constellation, and his or her lifestyle developed in early childhood clashes with the one of a supervisee who is already struggling with an identified “difficult” client. Ethics of self-awareness and using projective techniques in supervision will be thoroughly discussed.

Register here